How to Arrive at Work on Time

Being punctual is one of the most coveted characteristics employers look for in their staff. For leaders and managers, arriving to work on time shows professionalism. To arrive at work on time is hard for some people, so here are some valuable tips to help you:

Set Your Phone Far Away

If you’re using your phone as an alarm clock, make sure that you set it as far away from you as possible. Having your phone within arm’s reach lets you turn off the alarm without waking you thoroughly enough. If you place it somewhere that you need to get up to turn it off, the better.

Prepare Ahead of Time

It’s always good to prepare ahead of time, even if this is your daily routine. Not every day at work is the same and getting ready early prevents you from forgetting something that may eat up your time. This will avoid issues that can make you arrive at work late. These are a few things you can get and prepare ahead of time:

  • The clothes you’re going to wear
  • Your gas tank
  • Your house and car keys
  • Your briefcase
  • What you’ll have for breakfast

These are basic and simple things but will significantly help maximize your time to get to the office early.

Plan for Trouble

As part of your early preparation, include a plan for any trouble or snag that can occur before going to work. Unexpected circumstances can happen that can cause you to get late. Allow for time to settle these glitches. Should nothing happen, think of them as extra time to savor that pre-work coffee.

Change Your Clock Back a Few

You can always set your clock back a few minutes to help you get up earlier. A five to ten-minute backward or forward adjustment on your watch will let you get ready earlier than your average time. This is great for giving yourself additional minutes to prepare.

Avoid Checking Your Email

Never be tempted to check your email, text messages, and other communication platforms before leaving for work. You’ll never know what you may see and how long it will take from your precious time. Avoid “taking a quick peek,” as this can result in a distraction that can take up your time.

Set a Pattern

Try to determine what wastes your time when preparing to go to work. Learn what makes you late and make a mental note to ditch those habits. You can set up a pattern that you’ll follow to make sure no time is wasted on unimportant chores or tasks.

Learn to Estimate the Time Things Take

Take note of how much time each task takes to complete. Ensure that you don’t go overtime with one task to prevent going late. You can time how long it takes to make breakfast, take a bath, and do other essentials. There are apps you can use to help you do this and monitor how you spend time preparing.

Set a Time to Leave Home

Not only should you set a time to wake up, but you also need to set a time to leave home. This will keep you in check if you are being punctual or running a little late. This will also help you adjust if, indeed, you aren’t leaving home on time.

Final Thoughts

To arrive at work on time allows for less stress making you prepared to do your best. Whether you’re the boss or not, punctuality shows that you are reliable, dependable, and competent. The tips listed above are great ways to make being on time a habit.