Abel HR Blog

Basket Ideas for the Office

Whether you’re throwing a party at the office or thinking of sending an appreciation gift to celebrate an occasion or an achievement, gift baskets are a surefire way to make every team member feel cared for.  If you’re running out of unique gift basket ideas, here are a few inspirations you can choose from. Wine […]

The Importance of Employee Development in a Hybrid Setting

You’d think that after spending 20 months working remotely we would all be masters in the art of working from home. One area where many businesses are falling short is in professional development. Certainly, at the beginning of the pandemic, we all shifted to survival mode. Sometimes due to the business being in danger and […]

Swag Gifts That Matter

Commonly known as free gifts, many people define swag as “Stuff We All Get.” Whatever it means, giving away swag gifts is always appreciated, by your employees or customers and clients. Here are some exciting ideas you can try: Hats Generally, an inexpensive swag gift that everyone loves, hats are great ways to please people […]

Best Practices for Virtual Job Fairs

When Covid-19 put the kibosh on most non-essential gatherings, job fairs very quickly adapted to the times and enjoyed great success in using virtual programs to place recent college graduates into in-demand fields. In this blog, we’ll walk you through some of the pros and cons of job fairs and share best practices for getting the […]

Companies Plan to Offer Bigger Benefits this Year

The ongoing labor shortage is driving up the competition for employees, but many businesses that are struggling to recover in the post-pandemic world, are hard-pressed to hand over huge starting salaries. Instead, businesses are looking strategically at their benefits offerings and seeing what they can add to and improve to make themselves stand out in […]

5 Ways to Celebrate Employee Appreciation

It’s inevitable. There are days when employee motivation and productivity are not the highest. On the other hand, there are days when employees churn in as much as they can and bring efficiency to the workplace. Never forget to recognize the latter to boost your employees’ morale. Celebrating small or big wins means a lot. […]

6 Best Payroll Options for Small Business Owners

Employees deserve to be accurately paid on time. A payroll system is critical that even a minor disruption can affect your small business’ payroll and payroll taxes. Nobody wants a legal issue on their plate or abysmal employee productivity. So as the owner, you need to ensure that your business’s payroll system saves you from […]

Tips to Make Transitioning Back to the Office Easier

It’s still hard to believe that our planned two-week break “to flatten the curve” due to the Covid-19 outbreak has stretched on for more than 18 months. But here we are, with many offices still standing empty as business owners debate the smartest and safest way to pull their employees off their couches and back […]

Virtual Party Ideas

These days, you don’t have to be physically together to bond and have a good time. Whether you’re celebrating an occasion or simply in for a regular team-building session, here are virtual party ideas for work that will bring fun and excitement into your Zoom hangout. Wheel of Fortune First on our list of virtual […]