Abel HR Blog

How Much Money Are the Most Recent College Graduates Making?

Despite still grappling with the lingering Covid-19 pandemic, businesses continue to experience labor shortages, which in turn is helping to drive up the salaries of even the newest entrants into the job market. Indeed, a report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers finds that the average starting pay for graduates of the Class of 2020 was $55,260, […]

Ways to Accommodate Employees Who Experience Long-Term COVID-19

As we touched on in a previous blog posting, a Covid-19 infection is not considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it currently stands. However, employees who experience ongoing sequelae from a Covid infection, a group fondly referred to as Covid long haulers may be eligible for some degree of protection under the […]

Why is Your Personal Brand Important?

Successful businesses understand why having a brand is essential. However, as an individual, did you know that personal brand is equally critical? In this ultra-competitive world, having a personal brand identity is no longer a luxury but a necessity. What is a Personal Brand? Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, explains personal brand perfectly: “Your […]

Selecting a Pay Strategy for Remote Workers

While more companies are allowing for remote workers as part of their post-pandemic “new normal,” reports suggest that few companies have considered how compensation may look different for those that no longer work in the office. While companies began to assess their return-to-work plans, many workers — in fact, a whopping 65%, according to one survey […]

5 Ways to Recruit Employees

Finding the dream hires can be a challenge for most companies. Even though technology has made it easier to connect with job seekers, finding top talent is still tough. Here are 5 of the most efficient ways to recruit employees: 1. Recruit Internally Run a want ad in your company bulletin boards off and online. […]

Why Are We Losing Women in the Workforce?

In 2020, a staggering 2.3 million women left the US workforce as the global pandemic prompted the world to shut down and children began virtually learning from their dining tables. In fact, from March 2020 — when the pandemic first kicked off — until the following March, women accounted for 53% of labor force departures […]

7 Exit Interview Questions

Employees leaving your company is an excellent source of valuable insight. You can get honest feedback about your culture, management, and the business as a whole. Here are 7 exit interview questions you need to ask: 1. What prompted you to apply for another job? Expect a variety of answers to this question. It may […]

Building a Strong Company Brand

Many experts advise entrepreneurs to build a solid company brand instead of concentrating solely on building a business. But exactly what is a company brand identity, and why does it matter? In a nutshell, a brand pertains to the lasting impression a business makes on people. It’s a crucial aspect in growing a brand because […]

How to Find Interns

Many ventures have internship programs for students and young professionals alike. For one, interns give businesses a fresh input, which is a vital factor if you feel like your team has exhausted all your creative juices over your last couple of meetings. In addition to that, interns may also help boost your social strategy. And […]