Abel HR Blog

Workers Are Quitting In Record Numbers

In June, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), published a round-up of news coverage suggesting that employees are jumping ship — across a variety of industries and at a multitude of levels. The New York Times, for example, reports that nearly 4 million people quit their jobs in April, making the nation’s quit rate 2.7 percent, […]

How To Master Virtual Onboarding

When the last employee, the one who could barely successfully send an email pre-pandemic, finally figured out how to work remotely from home, you may have breathed a sigh of relief. You had finally done it! You found a way to make your employees work in a virtual format and all was right with the […]

The Two-Pizza Rule That Could transform your meeting style

Back when the pandemic was in full swing and things seemed especially dark, a meme began circulating online that said (and we’re paraphrasing here!) that if there’s one thing we could learn from this experience, it was that most meetings could easily be accomplished in an email! As more and more businesses began to navigate […]

Learning From Your Past Hiring Mistakes

As much as we would like to believe this is never the case, sometimes bad hires happen. While it’s easy to write it off as an accident – they were so charming in the interview! They were so competent out of the gate!  They had all the certifications! – the reality is that dismissing the […]

The Future of Employee Perks

If it seems like lately all we talk about is the post-Covid world, you aren’t exactly wrong! You see, the global pandemic fundamentally changed the way that we do business, from where we go, to what we do, to even why we do it! This, of course, also trickles down to the way in which […]

States Ban Employers From Microchipping Their Workers

Talk about a headline right out of the future! Indeed, some business owners’ hopes of truly tracking their employees round-the-clock may have to be put on hold after Indiana became the latest state to ban employers from implanting tracking devices into their employees.  Slated to take effect July 1, the bill “prohibits employers from requiring employees to […]

How HR Can Facilitate The Return-to-Work Post-Covid 19

When it comes to returning to the office, which for many businesses, have stood largely empty for more than a year, we are going to have to navigate a new normal. The how, where, and even why we work have all shifted dramatically over the past 15 months, such that many workers are going to […]

Businesses Might Benefit From Federally Supported Apprenticeships

In a bid to build infrastructure and boost employment, the Biden administration is expected to launch a program that will create more than one million new apprenticeship opportunities. But is an apprenticeship program right for your company and if so, how do you get one off the ground at your business?   Ushered in as part of the […]

Why You Should Hire a Rule Breaker

Typically, when you hire a new employee, you seek out someone who will just fit right in with your existing company. You actively pursue someone who will acclimate to the cultural norms, sense the direction you want to go in, and generally go with the flow. But what if the alternative – in this case, […]

How to Find a Resolution During Employee Conflict

A conflict between employees can disrupt the workflow in your organization. In worst-case scenarios, this animosity between co-workers can reflect in client meetings or during a crucial time in your project. In short, negativity in the workplace won’t do anyone good. Employee conflicts are always on a down-low until either party runs out of patience.  […]