Abel HR Blog

How To Craft An Elevator Pitch

Unless you are in sales, you might think that there is no need for you to know how to craft the perfect “elevator speech,” which is defined as a short period of time where you pitch an idea, concept, or even showcase your own skills! The idea is for the speech to be no longer than the […]

What Are Employee Benefits?

Many employees would cite benefits as their reason for staying at work. The benefits vary, but employees agree they want better health insurance, work flexibility, and more leaves at work. What benefits should you consider when hiring? Plus, know what employee benefits should you have in place as required by the law. Required Benefits Employees […]

How to Boost Your Mental Health Offerings

Very few folks will deny that the Covid-19 outbreak and resulting near global shut down has been taxing on mental health. From a professional perspective, the pandemic changed the way that we do business, the way we interact to our customers, the products we sell, and even where we sit. Adding to that, many companies […]

How To Ensure Good Health of Your Millennial Workers

A new study by Blue Cross Blue Shield found that the health of Millennials has been on a downward trend for the past five years, with their mental health in particular suffering, and the effects are only going to be exacerbated by the global pandemic. In the study, which included a staggering 55 million folks in the […]

Resources for HR Pros

As human resources trends change over the years, HR pros should adapt. For them to adjust and stay updated, they need to rely on resources like apps or websites. Fortunately, HR employees can access these tools or resources for their organization. But which tools and resources stand out among the rest? Human Resources Apps and […]

What to look for in an effective cover letter

With so many job boards seeking to simplify and smooth the candidate application process, you could be forgiven for thinking that cover letters are becoming a thing of the past. However, a well written, customized cover letter is still a great tool to help you whittle down your options from a sea of candidates and […]

Five Types of Work-Place Bullies

You may have graduated middle school many moons ago but it turns out bullying isn’t just for grade schoolers. Sure, it might not be wedgies and spit wads being shot your way, but peer-on-peer crime remains an important issue in many of the nation’s offices. Indeed, it is commonplace enough that experts have been able […]

How To Obtain Client Feedback To Help Your Business

We can’t emphasize enough how important a good customer experience is for any type of business. No matter how sophisticated your services or products are, a bad customer experience can send your operations downhill. But how can you perfect such if you have no idea what your market wants? This is where client feedback plays […]

2021 benefits trends: Integrative medicine

The global pandemic and resulting spotlight on our healthcare infrastructure has shed a new spotlight on health benefits. As a result, companies are reevaluating their options and expanding and changing their offerings to better meet the needs of a more dialed in and informed audience. One concept that has emerged as a popular benefits trend […]

When You Take a Break, Are You Actually Detaching?

When the pandemic first hit, many of us were ushered away from our offices and indoctrinated into the wild world of remote working. As a result, our once in-person meetings became Zoom calls, our casual check-ins with coworkers became hastily written pings over the company chat feature, and our once beloved social lunches gave way […]