Abel HR Blog

How Rewards Programs Will Boost Employee Engagement

Want a way to motivate your employees, boost engagement, and even make your employees more successful in their role? Then it might be time to consider whether an employee reward program is right for your business. According to an “oldie but goodie” study by Bersin & Associates, businesses with reward programs have nearly one-third less turnover […]

What is the Managers Role in COVID Vaccinations?

In a recent survey by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), 40 percent of US workers indicated that they probably or definitely would opt out of getting the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available for their risk group. Further, 70 percent of those indicated that they still would decline the vaccine even if their employer required […]

How to Celebrate a Work Anniversary

Celebrating work anniversaries give everyone a much-needed break from the regular routine. But more importantly, it gives each celebrator a sense of fulfillment over a work milestone they’ve accomplished for themselves. If you don’t celebrate work anniversaries and just let them pass each year without even a simple mention or recognition, it’s high time to […]

7 Perks You Can Offer Your Employees That Won’t Break The Bank

We always hear the adage, “Happy employees are productive employees.” And aside from productivity, happiness and contentment bring several positive effects to the company, including better retention rates and a healthier working environment. For employees to be happy, they need to find a purpose behind the work that they do. In the same vein, they […]

What You Can Learn From a Bad Hire

Even your best, most skilled HR person has had a bad hire at one time or another. Perhaps the candidate hid their foibles during the interview process or it took a few months for their true colors to show, but either way, a bad hire is part of just about every HR reps past. While […]

Don’t Burn Out Your HR Manager

Although it may seem dramatic to say, there isn’t a single profession that isn’t experiencing at least some degree of burn out at this point. However, certain professions have borne the brunt of the Covid-19 fall out and your HR professional certainly falls into that category. Their job, which is stressful at the best of […]

How To Reconnect Remote Employees

What was once meant to be a 14-day break to “flatten the curve” quickly turned into a nearly one-year departure from life as we know it. While it seems daunting to go back, a theme of a recent survey suggested that what workers miss the most (besides the free office supplies!) was the connection with […]

Why Having Time-Clock Software Is a Must

When we look at old movies where employees are knocking off work, we often see them punch a time clock – an antiquated piece of technology that many have assumed had gone the way of the dodo. However, reports suggest some 78 million workers still punch in and out of work each day, representing just […]

Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Your Core Values

If there’s one document that supports your vision and sets the tone for your company culture, it’s your core values. And with most companies shifting to an entirely or semi-remote working arrangement, having an actionable set of values has become crucial now more than ever.  By ensuring that you have clear core values, you help […]

5 Ways to Communicate Better to Your Team

Communication is vital in keeping a workplace running smoothly. Not only that, but it’s also a building block in creating workplace culture and trust, among other things. A daily task that needs work every single day is to communicate better to your team. It may seem like an insignificant part of your work life. But, […]