Abel HR Blog

Pros and Cons of Using AI in Hiring

Gone are the days when you could simply hang a “help wanted” sign on the door and just wait for the perfect candidate to stroll by and fill the open spot. Instead, we now rely on a whole lot of Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of popular job search sites such as Indeed and LinkedIn to post jobs, screen […]

Steps to Help Employees Adjust to Technology Upgrades

While we know in our hearts that change is good, it is a rare person that truly enjoys shaking up the status quo and changing their ways. However, when it comes to technology, products, services, and systems are constantly evolving and updating, meaning that you likely have to usher in these upgrades and changes on […]

Interview Questions Your Candidates Might Ask During a Pandemic

After widespread furloughs and layoffs as a result of the global pandemic, businesses are just now finding their financial footing and starting to consider expanding their ranks. However, Covid-19 has changed the way that most of us do business and will do for the foreseeable future. As you begin to think about bringing new hires […]

Can An Employer Force A Remote Employee to Return to Work?

As we finally turn a corner in the pandemic, businesses are beginning to wonder how, when, and under what circumstances they can require their employees to report to their actual place of work. As with most things pandemic, there is no slam-dunk answer. Rather, lawyer Eric J. Stark of the law firm Pond Lehockey notes […]

Elon Musk Uses These 4 Strategies To Grow His Business, You Should Too

Business owners are constantly looking for mentors to improve and enrich their entrepreneurship style and strategies. The great news is, you can learn a lot from the most successful business magnates even without having to know them personally. How? By learning about their ways and picking up those that apply to you. Take Elon Musk, […]

Should You Offer Your Workers Pet Bereavement Leave?

A handful of companies are offering their employees paid time off to grieve the loss of a pet; could your company be next?  In a recent Harris Poll, 95 percent of respondents said that they considered their pets to be a member of the family. Further, a second study found that nearly one in three […]

How to Virtually Onboard New Employees

Although the numbers are starting to trend down and the vaccine is being rolled out with much fanfare, the reality is that it still might be a while before we get back to “business as usual.” The reality is that your employees are likely going to be working at home for quite some time and […]

How to Manage Diversity In The Workplace

Diversity in the workplace has been a key focus in almost all industries over the past few decades. Promoting diversity in the workplace means hiring people of various age, ancestry, gender, ethnicity, physical qualities and abilities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, marital status, religious beliefs, and parental status. Putting a focus on workforce diversity offers […]

Sector-Based Training Programs

A new report suggests that sector-based training programs can increase an employee’s earning potential by as much as 40 percent. Further, employers can benefit from scooping up an expanded candidate pool of highly skilled workers that they might have otherwise overlooked. According to a 2020 Economic Policy Institute report, the hourly wages for workers without a […]

Companies Expected To Consider Caregiver Needs in Post-Pandemic Plans

Even before Covid cropped up, the so-called “sandwich generation” was struggling to achieve the elusive work-life balance. However, the global pandemic has cast a spotlight on this over-worked generation and has companies wondering whether more can be done to alleviate stress.  For context, the sandwich generation references a group of an estimated 40 million members […]