Abel HR Blog

Signs You Are An Awful Boss

Managing people entails a great deal of commitment, dedication, and patience. With everyone looking to you for direction, there’s just no room to be complacent and disorganized. Otherwise, the company could suffer serious consequences. However, being the person who steers the boat doesn’t necessarily mean everyone paddling behind needs to hate you. In fact, you […]

Covid-Related Lawsuits Skyrocket

A new analysis finds that more than 1,000 workplace lawsuits in relation to Covid-19 were filed in 2020 alone, and experts suggest that the new year and continued economic stress associated with the global pandemic will bring even more.  According to the report by the law firm Seyfarth Shaw, 1,005 lawsuits were filed last year, with […]

What You Need to know About Marijuana Legalization

While federal legislation legalizing or at least, decriminalizing marijuana is still likely far away, legislation at the state level is expected to continue to evolve in 2021. As such, business owners will need to keep an ear to the ground and be prepared to update their own company policies to comply with evolving laws. At […]

Developing a Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy For Business

Christmas came early for millions of Americans awaiting the approval of a Covid-19 vaccine, with first responders and medical professionals receiving their first doses as 2020 ended. Now that states are beginning to roll out the vaccine more broadly, business owners must begin thinking about a vaccination strategy for their own employees. As we touched on […]

Developing a Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy For Your Company

Christmas came early for millions of Americans awaiting the approval of a Covid-19 vaccine, with first responders and medical professionals receiving their first doses as 2020 ended. Now that states are beginning to roll out the vaccine more broadly, business owners must begin thinking about a vaccination strategy for their own employees. As we touched on […]

EEOC Considers Limits on Employee Wellness Programs

As Santa was busy making a list and checking it twice, so too was the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which was busy developing a naughty list of its own; on it, surprisingly, was employer-sponsored wellness programs! On December 7, the EEOC released a set of proposed rules seeking to limit the value of rewards that employees […]

How To Be More Effective In Zoom Meetings

At the height of the pandemic, businesses and several organizations need to find ways to continue their operations without jeopardizing one’s health. Virtual meetings became a big hit, and apps such as Zoom drastically increased their number of users. Slowly we are already getting the hang of these virtual conferences and meetings, but many people […]

How to Work with Millennials

According to the U.S. Census, there are 83.1 million young adults born between the years 1982 and 2000. They are what is most commonly known as Millennials, which exceed the number of the age group that precedes them. Currently, they are the largest generation that’s causing a significant shift in the workforce.  When you think […]

Top HR Goals for 2021

As we close the door on what many have called the longest and possibly the toughest year ever, it’s time to start looking to a brighter future. With a vaccine now approved and distribution under way, companies can begin to truly dream about business getting back to…well, usual. While your current list of goals for […]

Why Your Job Application Process Might Be Turning Away Talent

A fantastic opportunity to join your firm crops up and you – or your HR rep – dutifully go ahead and post it, excited to begin interviewing the marvelous talent that this top-notch job is sure to attract. And then, nothing. Crickets. Turns out that, despite your best efforts, your company may be putting up […]