Abel HR Blog

HR How-To: Give Employees Effective Feedback

Want your employees to work more effectively and efficiently to churn out the product of your dreams? Turns out there is a key to achieving this holy grail and it lies almost entirely in YOUR ability to give feedback! Indeed, when provided properly, feedback can be a truly transformative tool for your company. The trouble […]

HR How-To: Keep Your Remote Employees Engaged

If there is one thing, we’ve learned during this COVID-19 crisis besides, that we’ve been washing our hands wrong all along, it’s that many of us can do our jobs while working from home. While working in sweatpants certainly has its perks, there are several significant drawbacks that must be addressed. The most important of […]

Fun In The Sun: Seasonal Summer Employee Perks

While the temperatures may still be in a flux and some parts of the US are still even experiencing snow flurries, the arrival of Memorial Day typically signals the start of summer.  Now, this summer might not look like the summers of yesteryear, especially if everyone is still masked up and sheltering in place, but […]

Planning For A Successful Fiscal Stability Plan

While there are a few infectious disease specialists that have crawled out of the woodwork claiming that they had predicted a pandemic of this magnitude, the rest of us had no way of anticipating it and thus didn’t have much of a financial sustainability plan in place when Covid-19 reared its ugly head. While this […]

Five Key Compliance Considerations For Reopening Post-Pandemic

Earlier this week, we discussed how companies in the early stages of reopening following the pandemic can reopen safely, with an eye towards observing social distancing. In this next posting, we wanted to examine the legal aspects associated with bringing your workers back in the office and what you can do now to ensure a […]

HR How-to: Observe Social Distancing in The Workplace

As states start to dig out of the COVID-19 crisis and businesses begin thinking about opening their doors, we wanted to offer up some guidance on how you can safely and responsibly welcome back your workers. Of course, for many companies where staffed were deemed essential early on, it’s been, well, business as usual for […]

Why Does Your Company Have Such High Turnover?

In our last blog, we touched on the adage that “employees don’t leave bad companies, they leave bad managers.” But beyond a crummy manager, what are the other reasons that employees jump ship and what can you do to fix it before they hand in their letter of resignation?   But before we dive in, let’s […]

Detecting A Bad Manager In Your Company

There is a common saying when it comes to employee turnover that “employees don’t leave companies; They leave bad managers.” But is this really a big cause of employee’s handing in their resignation and how do you go about finding that bad manager before he costs you your best employees? First, let’s examine the prevalence […]

Employee Incentives: Good or Bad?

One of the most appealing parts of any compensation program is all the perks that the company can provide. One such benefit that has been shown to really catch the interest of employees is that of incentive programs. But what exactly are they and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system? Also, […]

How Are Small Businesses Offering Fortune 500 Benefits?

We have all heard the stories: The onsite haircuts at Google, nap rooms at Zappos, in-office bikes and free studio time at Peloton, and even a “personal growth stipend” at OpenDoor. While these perks may sound extreme, they are buzz-worthy add-ons that round out a comprehensive benefits package and make signing on at these bigger […]