Abel HR Blog

How To Proceed When You Must Terminate An Employee With Disabilities

Terminating any employee is always a difficult process, rife with opportunities for missteps that can cause you to burn bridges or even find you on the receiving end of a hefty lawsuit. However, letting an employee with disabilities go can be particularly tricky, due in part to the increased risk of discrimination lawsuits and the […]

Achieving A Work-Life Balance While Working At Home

If your job allows you to work remotely, chances are you are now one of millions of Americans that have all of a sudden found themselves in a telecommuting role! While the initial promise of wearing sweatpants all day and not having to deal with your morning commute are certainly enticing, you may have also […]

The Benefits of Temp Staffing

If you’ve ever found yourself seasonally busy or just experienced a sudden surge in productivity that has left you feeling short of manpower, you might want to consider temporary staffing. Unlike adding a new permanent employee which comes with all the risks associated with onboarding a new hire, opening the door to temporary staffing can allow […]

Are You Required To Pay Your Employees Overtime?

If an employee works more than 40 hours in a typical work week, are you required to pay them overtime? Unfortunately, the answer is far from cut and dry – and yet the stakes are so high because failure to pay that employee their time-and-a-half can leave you on the hook for paying a whole […]

Controlling Turnover With Employee Benefits

In surveys of employment satisfaction and loyalty, feeling valued by your employer and achieving a work-life balance are almost uniformly at the top of the list. The good news? There is one thing that you can tinker with to boost your scores on both metrics: The types of benefits that you offer.  For example, in […]

2020 Is An Election year, How Do You Handle Politics In The Workplace?

It’s difficult to escape news coverage about the upcoming election these days. It dominates CNN, interrupts regular programming, and is front and center on most social media platforms and likely a topic of discussion (some more contentious than others) at the nation’s dinner tables. To some degree, it’s inevitable that some political talk will spill […]

How Generation Z Is Changing The Corporate Game

When this blog first launched, we dedicated quite a few column inches to what businesses should do to integrate Generation Y, the cohort of folks born between 1984 and 1996 that were dusting off their degrees and rapidly entering the workforce. When we wrote these posts, we focused on how tech savvy this generation, which are also […]

How To Save On Workplace Accommodations

Typically, when an employee goes to a business owner with an accommodation request, all they really see is the dollar signs. Adding standing desks for an employee with a back injury, a lactation room for a new mom, or updating your computer screens to reduce eye strain are generally all big money endeavors, but can […]

HR How to: Preparing For The Coronavirus

Stores are stripped of toilet paper and there’s not a bottle of hand sanitizer in sight. The news cycle is dominated by world maps with increasingly scary colors and numbers, while the hospitality industry is in flux as folks cancel their cruises and prepare to hunker down. The issue? A novel strain of an old […]

How to Boost Employee Safety and Security

We all like to think that we’re safe at work. After all, we’re all coming to work with the shared goal of getting the job done and getting back home safely to our families. Sadly, research from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) suggests that approximately 2 million workers report experiencing violence in their […]