Abel HR Blog

What Are Payroll Liabilities?

If you’ve ever run your own payroll, you know what a huge undertaking it is. In addition to calculating the correct wages for your employees, you also have to make sure that you are setting aside the correct amount for federal and state taxes, Medicare, Social Security, and a whole host of other folks who […]

Reminding Employees The Value Of Their Benefits

Of all the things that your company offers in a compensation package, did you know that your benefits offerings are almost always considered the most important? In one study, nearly two-thirds of respondents noted that salary is not the deciding factor as to whether they will take or reject a job offer, with most noting […]

Can One Toxic Employee Change a Company’s Culture?

While we are not typically ones to roll out clichés, when it comes to workers, the old chestnut “it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch” can really ring true. Indeed, just one toxic employee with a negative attitude, either towards a project or your entire company, can indeed color the views of […]

What’s in A Name? The Pros and Cons of Choosing Job Titles

When you hire new employees, you typically bring them on board to fulfill a certain job within your organization, be it a marketer, an accountant, or even an IT assistant. However, over time, many of your employees will evolve, gain new skills, and perhaps even pick up a few certifications along the way that render […]

How To Use Benefits In Small Business Recruiting

When you’re a small business owner, especially when first starting out, you are generally operating on a shoe-string budget, with every purchase and monetary decision dissected to determine whether it’s an absolute must-have or merely a future want. One such business expense that falls into the latter category is that of benefits, even though multiple […]

How To Avoid Damages Involving Pregnancy Discrimination

For many women, pregnancy is a joyous time (minus the morning sickness and back pain!), but for others, it can represent a professional battlefield. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) logged a whopping 2,753 pregnancy discrimination charges in 2019, which represents the lowest rate in almost a decade and is down almost a […]

How To Proceed When You Must Terminate An Employee With Disabilities

Terminating any employee is always a difficult process, rife with opportunities for missteps that can cause you to burn bridges or even find you on the receiving end of a hefty lawsuit. However, letting an employee with disabilities go can be particularly tricky, due in part to the increased risk of discrimination lawsuits and the […]

Achieving A Work-Life Balance While Working At Home

If your job allows you to work remotely, chances are you are now one of millions of Americans that have all of a sudden found themselves in a telecommuting role! While the initial promise of wearing sweatpants all day and not having to deal with your morning commute are certainly enticing, you may have also […]

The Benefits of Temp Staffing

If you’ve ever found yourself seasonally busy or just experienced a sudden surge in productivity that has left you feeling short of manpower, you might want to consider temporary staffing. Unlike adding a new permanent employee which comes with all the risks associated with onboarding a new hire, opening the door to temporary staffing can allow […]

Are You Required To Pay Your Employees Overtime?

If an employee works more than 40 hours in a typical work week, are you required to pay them overtime? Unfortunately, the answer is far from cut and dry – and yet the stakes are so high because failure to pay that employee their time-and-a-half can leave you on the hook for paying a whole […]