Abel HR Blog

Now is the Time to Think to 2020

You’ve barely had a beach day and we’re already telling you that you need to start planning for next year, but we all know that when it comes to making a change in your business, it’s going to take a lot of time to ramp up and get the job done. If you have spent […]

Enriching the Employee Experience Has Great Results

Beyond keeping folks in interesting job roles and paying them a good wage, there are other things that you can do to add value to their work experience. These so-called enrichment experiences are designed to drive engagement and support a happier workforce, both of which studies suggest help bolster productivity and thus boost your company’s […]

Facts and Fictions of the Family Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is one of those words that HR folks like to drop into conversation, but few (including potentially that HR rep) actually understand. Now, the Department of Labor has done a nice job of summarizing some various aspects (with a fact sheet and a compliance guide), but let’s talk […]

Letting Go is Never Easy: 6 Ways to Make it Easier

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can help you find a great candidate, how to set your new hire up for success, and how you can intervene early to try and save a flailing employee. But what if these efforts fall short – they can’t bring their skills up to snuff and you can’t help them get […]

After the Interview: Who Did I Just Hire?

You spent months looking for the perfect candidate with your offsite human resources experts at a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like Abel HR. Together, you reviewed resumes, conducted interviews, and even extended an offer or two. Finally, you landed someone you and your company were excited about. However, the person who showed up for their first day of […]

What Should An Employee’s First Day Look Like?

You’ve sifted through resumes, you’ve sat through countless rounds of interviews, you’ve extended an offer, and you’ve lined up a start date. But now what? You want your new employee to have a fantastic first day – you want them to feel welcomed, start building relationships with their teammates, get a taste for what their […]

Attracting Top Talent is All in the Job Posting

Finding a candidate to fill a job opening often feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack. However, you know you can significantly streamline your search if you are able to curate a job description that attracts only the best, most qualified talent? Indeed, if we’re going to run with this whole needle […]

Four Steps to be a Better Interviewer

Sifting through a pile of resumes is arduous, but actually interviewing the faces behind those crisp papers is a whole other anxiety-inducing endeavor. Interviewing is not only an art form but an art form where the stakes are really high. If you fail to weed out the undesirables, you’ll wind up costing your company both […]

Posters in the Break Room: Are They Really Necessary?

If you’ve spent any time in any office breakroom, you’ve noticed that beyond the passive-aggressive posters reminding folks to not leave food festering in the fridge, there are a whole bunch of posters on the walls about minimum wage and harassment. Those posters and others need to be there – by law. Let’s go over […]

PEO Problem Solvers: Graduating Interns to New Hires

Internships are a great way to find talent for your company. More than 67 percent of interns were given a job offer stemming from their internship at a company, and a whopping three-quarters of those given the offer ultimately accepted. With these statistics in mind, you know that there is a lot of potential to […]