Abel HR Blog

12 Ice Breaker Questions for Your Next Meeting

Whether it’s for your training program, team-building event, or virtual onboarding, ice breaker questions are crucial to warm up your attendees. Imagine having to stand in front of new applicants awkwardly introducing the agenda for the day. Or what about gathering your team members for your first quarterly meeting and getting down to business right […]

How to Be Happy at Work

It’s a proven fact that a business with happy employees is more productive than those that don’t. Some go to great lengths to keep their employees happy with benefits, perks, and incentives. But as employees, how do you motivate yourself? Here are the best ways to be happy at work: Enjoy What You Do There’s […]

Calendar Hacks

The most efficient people know how to manage their schedule and, at the same time, use the best tools to boost their productivity. If you’re struggling to stay on top of your schedule and allot time for both work and pleasure, here are calendar hacks that will allow you to manage your career and personal […]

Should You Have a Holiday Party This Year?

The decision over whether to have a holiday party is tricky every year. Will you risk offending those who don’t celebrate the winter holidays? Will it feel inclusive? Will folks enjoy it when it’s such a busy time for people from a business and personal perspective? In addition to all these questions, we still have […]

How to Handle Your Company Facebook Page

How to start Having a public Facebook page is a great way to connect with your audience online. In fact, it serves as your online profile for your company. That being said, here’s a short step-by-step guide on how to create a Facebook page for business. Sign up A company Facebook page requires a personal […]

Training Videos Worth Watching

Any corporate leader knows that it takes a lifetime of learning to be able to lead and manage an enterprise. If you’re looking for executive training videos that will mold you into a better leader and a more efficient manager, here are 7 executive training videos worth watching. If you are interested in learning about […]

3 Ways to Level Up Your LinkedIn Recruiting

At first glance, LinkedIn recruiting looks straightforward. It’s all about either posting a job offer or writing to a candidate. Yes, the recruiting process on LinkedIn usually starts with the former or latter. However, it does not end there. To capitalize your personal or company LinkedIn profile, here are 3 ways to level up your […]

8 Ways to Destress at Home

Stress is the culprit of mental and physical issues. Whether your stress is deep-rooted in your childhood or caused by a recent altercation at work, your home is supposed to make you feel at ease and relaxed. And this is why you must destress at home and throw bad energy out the door, where they […]

Time-Blocking: What is it?

How many times have you written a list of things to do, only to accomplish nothing by the end of the day? Do you struggle with managing your time between projects? Time management is difficult for everyone, but with a few alterations to your schedule and work systems – such as applying time-blocking – you […]

The Benefits of Prioritizing Internal Promotions

The Benefits of Prioritizing Internal PromotionsWith the labor market as tight as it currently is (covered in our blogs here and here), companies are increasingly looking at their own internal roster to identify their next super-star employee. But does hiring internally have any tangible benefit vs. filling the job in the “traditional way,”? Read on to find out! […]