Sales Meeting Ideas

A sales meeting can sound mundane and routinary. However, when done right, it can boost a team’s energy and push everyone to be at their best. Moreover, it can also encourage teamwork and sharpen focus on goals and market trends.

Here are a few steps you can implement to make your sales meetings more effective and fun for everyone.

1. Set a Clear Agenda

Some team members may not appreciate the importance of sales meeting sessions because you do it regularly. In fact, a Harvard Business Review survey found that more than seven out of ten employees found meetings to be unproductive and inefficient. And when they have this expectation even before they step in, they might not even try.

To remedy this, you should set a clear agenda ahead of time. What is the purpose of a sales meeting you’re holding? By doing so, you can keep the forum short and sweet and avoid eating up too much time team members could’ve used to get actual work done.

2. Invite a Speaker

Depending on your sales meeting objectives, you may want to invite an expert to join you in your session. For instance, if your team is having trouble with client relationships, you can invite a sales psychology author or even a neuro-linguistic programming practitioner to teach the team how to close deals.

Inviting a speaker will allow your team to learn valuable info that they can use in their regular tasks. In addition to that, it will also give them a chance to ask an expert about any challenges they may be facing.

3. Share Individual Experiences

If team members struggle with what to say in a sales meeting, give them a chance to share their experiences. For instance, you may ask the employee with the most production to share how they could do it. In the same vein, you may also ask someone who handled a difficult case to talk about the experience.

By incorporating sharing into your sales meeting process, you’re enabling team members to learn from one another’s triumphs and hardships. Also, knowing about their peers’ experiences will help each member relate more to them, thus strengthening team cohesion.

4. Run Fun Contests

Running a fun contest is one of the motivational sales meetings ideas that will breathe life into your sessions. For instance, you can give a prize to the team member who sent the most number of cold emails. Or, how about running a contest over who gets to convince the most prospects to sign up for a trial?

The prize doesn’t have to be something extravagant, though you can surely make it so if you want. The prize could be as simple as restaurant gift certificates or items useful for work like a headset. If the contest requires a lot of hard work, you can also offer a prize to help the winner relax. This may come in the form of a back massager, a relaxing bath basket, or a spa gift cheque.