When a human resources professional posts a help wanted ad, the anticipation is they will be inundated with a slew of excellent candidates that are all overly qualified for the position, each an excellent fit with your company culture, and willing to work for less than budgeted.
Somehow, it never really works out that way. Rather, it’s more like a fairytale, where you, the HR pro, is the princess that has to kiss a whole bunch of frogs before you find the one person who is kind of, sort of, right for the job if you squint a little and overlook a few minor flaws.
The people at your company are your most valuable asset and the HR professionals at a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can help you recruit and hire the best, no matter how many years in human resources you have.
We all know the talent is out there, but if they aren’t making itself to your company, you need some outside help to do some real soul searching and professional guidance to figure out what might be preventing them from banging down your door.
Do you have the following issues?
Problem: Find the Scene to be Seen
If you’ve been in the recruiting game for a while, you know that not all job posting sites are created equal. Some are by far better than others for attracting talent from certain sectors, so you need to make sure that your posts are showing up on the sites that are most likely to return not only a good quantity of candidates but also those that are a quality fit for the job.
The recruiting experts at an outsourced human resources company understand the magic formula to crafting and placing a post in the best place to find possible candidates.
In addition, there is a whole other subset of niche job forums that a PEO can tap if you require employees with very specific or hard-to-find skills where you’re likely to get the most traction and can thus maximize your responses and make sure you’re capturing as many qualified applicants that are in the job market.
Problem: Get Your Post on Point
If you’ve been using the same old, generic job description, you know the one that includes vague, generic info about your company than it does about the job at hand – you’re not going to be able to capture the kinds of candidates you want.
To attract the right employee for the job, you have to use your job posting to articulate the skills and personality traits that that individual should have. The post should be as specific as it can be and include as much detail as possible. Poll the employees in the current role – or similar ones – and let them tell you what skills they would like a colleague to have and incorporate this into the posting.
The staff at a PEO are experts at crafting the perfect job description to not only prick up the ears of the folks you want to attract most, but also make sure that you’re weeding out those that don’t have what it takes to get the job done (literally and figuratively!).
Problem: Below Par Compensation Packages
Every employee wants to be valued for the work that they perform while under your employ. The salary conversation, by nature, is always tricky, with both sides not wanting to give away how much their willing to pay – and in some cases, not allowed by law to discuss – but at some point the issue is bound to arise.
With that in mind, you have to be aware of how your compensation offerings (including your benefits package) stack up against your competitors; if you’re far below the fray, chances are you’re losing out on some key talent.
A big part of woo-ing a potential candidate is being able to make your company’s offerings as attractive as possible – includes having a compensation package that is commensurate with your industry, geographical location, and what your company can swing.
When you partner with a PEO, they pool clients to negotiate for the types of benefits and perks that aren’t available to an individual business – and especially a small business owner – on the open market (and for a price that is equally unbelievable). When you can offer a benefits package that you’re proud of, you become more attractive to your candidates.
Further, that compensation package needs to include a strategy for bonuses, pay bumps and other monetary adjustments that will keep you competitive for years to come and will still be attractive to workers as they move up the ranks to keep those employees you work so hard to get.
Problem: An Off-Putting Online Profile
Much like dating, potential suitors for your company are going to do their homework before they consider coming in for their interview? Their first stop? The internet of course. If you have unfavorable reviews from customers or clients – or perhaps even worse, a few harsh reviews on GlassDoor, the website where employees review their employers – you need to take steps to fix it.
The experts at a PEO can offer advice and strategy to fix those negative reviews to make your company look for attractive.