Abel HR Blog

Why To Further Your Employees’ Education

There’s an old saying that “you get back what you put in,” but is this the case when it comes to sending your employees off to get further educated? Do they really stay at your company and share the new knowledge they gained, or do they take their new skills off to greener pastures? In […]

Interview Questions We Need To Retire

If you’ve been conducting job interviews for some time, chances are you have a list of go-to questions that you are used to asking candidates to help determine their suitability for a job. However, over time, many of these questions become obsolete in that they either are not going to get you truthful answers or […]

What is a PEO?

Managing a business involves hiring and handling personnel. This becomes more challenging when your company grows as you get faced with more HR responsibilities. It’s a welcome problem that has an easy solution, that of a PEO. But what exactly is a PEO? This article aims to give you a definition and show you how […]

Cyber Security Tips For Remote Employees

When the world first shut down in the early Spring, few companies had the capacity to let their entire office work from home. Whether it was a shortage of hardware (such as computers), software (such as remote networking platforms), or simply a lack of knowledge on how to actually let employees work remotely, it presented a pretty […]

When Can Employers Terminate COBRA Coverage During COVID-19

As the global Covid-19 pandemic stretches into what feels like its millionth month, business owners continue to struggle with how to administer benefits, a situation that is not helped by the constant rule changes orchestrated under the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). One question that seems to continue to come […]

How to Structure an Employee Handbook

An employee handbook is one of the most crucial materials to communicate your values, mission, and vision to your employees. It helps build a constructive workplace culture as well as boost employee loyalty. However, writing them isn’t as easy as you might think. This article shows you how to structure your employee handbook. It also […]

What is Payroll Tax?

One of the most perplexing topics in the human resources industry is that of the payroll tax. Both employer and employee know about it but unsure of what it is and where it goes.  This article will help break it down for you and explain what it’s all about. What are Payroll Taxes? When business […]

What is the SECURE Act?

The nature of work is constantly evolving. Globalization has made freelancing or taking contractual jobs more widespread. Add to that the more significant number of people who want to continue working after the retirement age. This, and many other factors, has paved the way for an upgrade in the US’s retirement system.  You may have […]

Daylight Savings and How It Impacts Payroll/Wages

Originally, daylight savings time was designed to make the most out of sunlight and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which were in high demand during the 1900s due to the World War. However, if you really thumb through the history books, ancient civilizations adjusted their clocks accordingly to make the best use of the light […]

COVID-19 Vaccinations: Can They Be Made Mandatory By Your Employer?

In November, Pfizer and Biontech announced that its vaccine for the novel Coronavirus was more than 90 percent effective at preventing study participants from getting sick with Covid-19, news that was trumped just days later when Moderna announced that its Covid-19 vaccine candidate was just shy of 95 percent effective. In both Phase III trials — […]