Abel HR Blog

What is the SECURE Act?

The nature of work is constantly evolving. Globalization has made freelancing or taking contractual jobs more widespread. Add to that the more significant number of people who want to continue working after the retirement age. This, and many other factors, has paved the way for an upgrade in the US’s retirement system.  You may have […]

Daylight Savings and How It Impacts Payroll/Wages

Originally, daylight savings time was designed to make the most out of sunlight and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which were in high demand during the 1900s due to the World War. However, if you really thumb through the history books, ancient civilizations adjusted their clocks accordingly to make the best use of the light […]

COVID-19 Vaccinations: Can They Be Made Mandatory By Your Employer?

In November, Pfizer and Biontech announced that its vaccine for the novel Coronavirus was more than 90 percent effective at preventing study participants from getting sick with Covid-19, news that was trumped just days later when Moderna announced that its Covid-19 vaccine candidate was just shy of 95 percent effective. In both Phase III trials — […]

Can You Fire An Employee On FMLA Leave?

Business 101 dictates that you really can’t fire someone for actually requesting and being granted time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In fact, the FMLA includes an anti-retaliation clause that prohibits employers from striking off workers just for taking the leave in order to protect those that require the time off. […]

Communicating While Wearing a Mask

While we appreciate the sound logic behind wearing a mask – in that it is effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 and the usual seasonal viruses – there’s no denying that it does make communicating a tad more tricky. Since these masks aren’t going away anytime soon, we wanted to offer a few tips […]

Can Employers Become Liable For COVID-19 Remote Injuries?

As we prepare to batten down the hatches for what experts are calling the second surge of the Covid-19 outbreak, folks that had returned to the office are once again slinking back into their sweatpants and snuggling up on the sofa. With a second return to working for home for folks who typically would be […]

Using Paid Time Off

Having been in HR for a while, we know how rare it is that there is ever a clear-cut answer to anything. And once again, the answers are about as clear as mud when it comes to the topic of asking employees to provide details about their use of PTO! To be honest, in researching […]

How To Fight Employee Turnover

If you’ve been around for a while, you know that one of our favorite topics is the concept of employee retention. We hold this topic in high esteem because a revolving door of workers can quickly add up, with recent estimates from the Center for American Progress suggesting that replacing an employee ranges from about […]

Continuing Employee Engagement Through Virtual Work

Sure, we may have relaxed some of our Covid-19 rules, but many employees are still working from home and are expected to do so for the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we wanted to focus today’s blog on how to foster engagement among your remote workers. Below, we outline our top tips for keeping […]

How to Host A Holiday Party In 2020

After the year we’ve all had, it may not feel like time to celebrate. However, many companies still want to reward their employees for their pandemic perseverance by hosting a holiday party. Acknowledging that our usual blogs on this topic won’t really stand the test of time or rather, a nationwide shut down this year, […]