Abel HR Blog

Is What’s Good For One, Good For All?

When we talk about the often tricky task of drafting rules and standards for your company, we harp on the importance of writing out all of your rules in your handy dandy employee handbook. In writing out the rules, you give your employees clear expectations about behaviors and conduct and because it’s in the employee handbook […]

How To Build Great Managers

Often, when we select someone to move up in our organization and take on a leadership role, we do so because they are right at their job. In a sales role, they may have been your top earner for the last few quarters (or even years), in the service industry they may be your star […]

Should You Hire Outside of Your Company?

When we think about expanding our ranks, usually we think about achieving this goal by bringing in new talent from the outside and slotting them into whichever positions are open. But is it more beneficial to hire from within?  Below, we explore the benefits of hiring both internally and externally: External sources Hiring from outside […]

Benefits Administration Defined

When it comes to benefits administration, it’s probably one of the last reason’s that you would consider a PEO, but it very quickly becomes one of the best and preferred perks of the partnership. You see, if you’ve been handling your HR needs on your own, you know that the process of selecting and rolling […]

Payroll Defined

When we think of outsourcing certain facets of our HR responsibilities to an outside firm, the first task that typically springs to mind for small business owners is payroll. For some companies, handing off these duties to a company that only focuses on this task is perfect, but a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can do […]

Workers’ Compensation Defined

Sure, none of us like to think that it’s possible that an accident could occur at our place of work, but even the seemingly safest of workplaces can be the subject of a worker’s compensation claim. If you have ever had to file a claim, you will know that it’s a tedious process that includes […]

PEO insider: Human Resources

When folks first start considering engaging with a professional employer organization (PEO), their first retort is that they are not the target audience because they already have someone in-house managing their HR functions. And even if they don’t, they may counter that they are currently managing just fine without one and can leave it up to the […]

Employee Time-off To Vote

The presidential election is fast approaching and the one thing that we can all agree on is… that politics should really never be discussed in the workplace (unless, of course, your workplace is the Senate or House floor, or the White House itself!) Now, what we do want to talk about is the sticky issue […]

Payroll vs PEO: What is The Difference?

As is becoming a theme around here, we’re revisiting an oldie but a goodie blog post: Explaining the differences between a payroll company and a PEO. While all the old chestnuts we trotted out when we first covered the topic ring true, revisiting this in 2020 — and in light of the pandemic — highlights […]

Which Interview Questions Land HR in Trouble?

When it comes to interviewing, we know there are questions we absolutely can’t ask. For example, we are not allowed to ask a person’s age or religion, citizenship status, and certainly not their political affiliation, but there are a host of other question “categories” that fall into somewhat murky water. To avoid a faux pas, which can […]