Abel HR Blog

Skills Vs. Competencies

If you are in an industry where your workers need to be able to perform a specific task, chances are you have a list of skills or competencies they must be able to demonstrate. Chances are you use the terms skills or competencies interchangeably, even though they are in fact quite different.  The good news […]

How To Keep Your Team Positive After The Challenges of 2020

Sure, there are multiple four-letter (mostly unprintable!) words we could use to describe 2020, but one word that most can agree on is probably long. Beyond the musings of a few epidemiologists, very few of us could have predicted a pandemic of this size and scope, nor could we have predicted just how much it […]

Company Culture and It’s Affect on Employee Engagement

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how important it is to develop a company culture that is both motivating and engaging to your employees, and while cultures are unique to each business, they do generally fall into distinct categories. In the below blog post, we discuss the most common type of company cultures, […]

How To Avoid Diversity Recruiting Mistakes

When it comes to recruiting, we all know the rules on discriminating against gender, race, cultural background, etc. But there are other, perhaps less obvious, ways in which you can discriminate against candidates? And could these micro-discriminations be causing you to create a homogenous corporate culture where everyone looks – and perhaps most dangerously, thinks […]

Successfully Manage PTSD In The Workplace

In recent years, companies have been offered increasingly attractive incentives to hire veterans. Realistically, veterans make excellent hires being that they are disciplined, trainable, and generally have a can-do attitude. But one of the common concerns that come up for companies considering hiring a vet centers around post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and what employers need […]

How To Control Workplace Negativity

Just about every office has the one curmudgeon that can turn even the most minimal interference in the workday into a big to-do. The worst part? This one negative nelly can very quickly spread their gloom around, resulting in an overall negative work environment and even a drop in employee morale. But first, let’s take […]

Performing A Background Check

You’ve found the perfect candidate on paper and they were super impressive in person. Maybe they breezed through the process and you merely want to check a box, or maybe there’s that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something just isn’t right and you’d love to get confirmation that they’re on the […]

How To Prevent Covid Related Layoffs

Just last week, Disney announced that it was laying off nearly a quarter of its staff, largely at its Florida and California-based theme parks, in response to the fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement, the company chair said that the company had kept “tens of thousands” of workers furloughed, with full health benefits, […]

California Expands FMLA Rights

California lawmakers this month signed into law a new measure that expands the typical family and medical leave to include businesses with fewer employees and expands the reasons for protected leave and the types of family members that can be covered. Acknowledging that our friends on the West Coast typically tend to be trail blazers […]

What To Do When Your Top Candidate Has A Competing Offer

You spent weeks, maybe even months, searching for the right person for the job. You interviewed countless folks who didn’t meet the mark, whittled it down to a few key contenders, and finally, all unanimously voted that you’d found your dream candidate. You excitedly call them up to learn that another company feels the same […]