Abel HR Blog

Payroll vs PEO: What is The Difference?

As is becoming a theme around here, we’re revisiting an oldie but a goodie blog post: Explaining the differences between a payroll company and a PEO. While all the old chestnuts we trotted out when we first covered the topic ring true, revisiting this in 2020 — and in light of the pandemic — highlights […]

Which Interview Questions Land HR in Trouble?

When it comes to interviewing, we know there are questions we absolutely can’t ask. For example, we are not allowed to ask a person’s age or religion, citizenship status, and certainly not their political affiliation, but there are a host of other question “categories” that fall into somewhat murky water. To avoid a faux pas, which can […]

Strategies to Reduce Turnover Among Hourly Wage Workers

As part of our series on revisiting old blog posts, today we wanted to expand upon a previous posting where we detailed three strategies for reducing turnover among hourly wage workers. In this blog post, we highlighted the need to make their work meaningful so that workers understand how their tasks factor into the broader […]

Should you offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Now more than ever, your employees are dealing with an increased mental load. Perhaps it’s just the months of social isolation due to the quarantine, the new-found role of round-the-clock caregiver for children or elderly family members, the financial insecurity stemming from lay-offs, or simply just the uncertainty of our times (Explosions! Murder hornets! Political […]

Outlining Business Casual for Gen Z

In the movie “The Intern,” the staff of Anne Hathaway’s booming online fashion website are taken back by Robert De Niro’s over the top business attire. In fact, the crisply ironed handkerchief he keeps peaking just out of his pocket becomes almost a character in and of itself as he loans it out to various […]

Accommodating PTO Post Pandemic

When Covid-19 emerged way back in Spring, few could have imagined that it would still be hanging around this long into summer. But alas, here we are in August, five months later, with numbers still climbing in select regions and government officials warning us that we still need to hunker down and do our part […]

What Not To Add To Your Job Postings

Way back when, we wrote a blog post highlighting three common inclusions in help wanted ads that may be hindering your candidate searches. Today, we’d like to build upon that early posting and identify a few more potential pitfalls that can derail your efforts to attract star talent to your company:  Vague or trendy job titleWe […]

Can Answering Work Emails After Hours Lower Productivity?

When that work phone pings, it’s highly likely that your employees reflexively open up that email and see if it’s something that they can address right here, right now. But could this “available at all hours” attitude be causing your employees harm?  In one study published in 2018, researchers found that answering emails round-the-clock led to […]

Could a Non-Compete Hurt Your Business?

In a previous blog posting, we profiled a study which found that non-compete agreements may actually decrease motivation and performance. In fact, the study led the experts at the Harvard Business Review to note that such agreements result in a “drop in performance [that] may be more damaging to companies than the actual loss of the […]

HR How-To: Retain Young Talent

If you’ve been reading here for a while, you’ll recall that we’ve talked a lot about how millennials and the new generation Z (which includes those born between 1996 and 2012) are poised to transform the work place with their command of all things tech and desire to make the world a better place. However, […]