Abel HR Blog

HR How-to: Enforcing Dress Code in The Summer

As the temperature rises, in offices across the US, so do the hemlines. Having a summer dress code to accommodate the warmer weather often raises the temperature of your HR professionals as they prepare to tackle many uncomfortable conversations. In a previous Abel HR blog posting published years ago, we highlighted a Biz Journals version […]

The Importance of Employee Onboarding

After months of searching, you have finally found the right person for the job. You are eager for them to get started and are confident they will hit the hit the ground running and be up to speed in no time…Until they don’t. Is there anything you could have done to prevent this? Or, even […]

Is Paying Your Employees Overtime Mandatory?

In this blog’s infancy, we discussed a question that comes up regularly as we talk to clients, which is, do I have to pay my employees overtime? As with all things, where both federal and state guidelines apply, the answer isn’t all that clear cut, but in the following blog, we’ll do our best to […]

HR How-to: Set Up Your Employees for Remote Work Success

For many of us, 2020 was the year that we got to learn how to work remotely whether we liked it or not! Learning how to do it and mastering the skill of working from home are two completely different as anyone who is still struggling to make it work can attest! In this blog […]

How Do Safety Programs Save Businesses Money?

A while back, we published a blog post citing data suggesting that investing in a workplace safety program can actually save businesses significant money (not to mention stress!) In fact, the survey, which was conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), found that for every one dollar investment in such a program, companies can […]

Switching Over to a PEO: What Exactly is Changing?

At baseline, acronyms are always confusing. But even after you learn what the PEO stands for (professional employer organization) it still doesn’t really make sense! So, acknowledging that there is a general lack of knowledge about what it is that we and our peers do.  We thought we would take some time to break it down and […]

HR Trends in 2020

It’s hard to believe that we’re just about halfway through 2020, especially when internet memes would lead us to believe that March had 200 days and April really dragged on with a whopping 4,000 days! Add to that, this has been a year that is unprecedented to say the least, with even the doomsday preppers […]

HR How-to: Create A Job Description

Recruiting is big business. In fact, a recent study by the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) finds that companies spend an average of $4,000 per hire, although the figure can be considerably higher, up to 30% of the candidates salary if said company engages a head hunter or executive recruitment agency. With this kind of […]

HR How-to: Continue To Motivate Your Employees

Despite all that time spent at home during the pandemic, it is highly unlikely that your employees will return to the office feeling their best. For many, the past few months have been filled with a series of hardships, including changes in their childcare routine, financial stressors, and even brushes with Covid-19 itself, all of […]

HR How-to: Discuss Salary During An Interview

The interview is going swimmingly and you sit, quite convinced, that you’ve finally landed on that super star candidate, the new employee who’s going to hit the ground running and propel your business to the next level. And then they ask about salary and it’s as if all the air has been sucked out of […]