Abel HR Blog

In The News: Changes to 401Ks Ushered In Under SECURE Act

Way back at the end of last year, Trump signed into law a bill that included one of the biggest overhauls to the way we manage retirement planning in the US. In particular, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019, which was enacted as part of the broader Further Consolidated […]

Ice, Ice Baby: How To Avoid An Injury From Slipping on Ice

For the most part, this winter season has been fairly mild with snow and ice, but simply typing that statement makes it feel like we’re practically inviting a multi-foot snowfall! As a result, we’re here to deliver some top tips for preventing winter weather foibles at the office. If those tips fail, we’ve also got […]

Further Education for your employees on your dime: Good or bad?

In survey after survey, opportunities for education and “upskilling” – whereby you enhance the skills of your existing workforce – are among the benefits that employees’ value most. But is providing this teaching good or bad for business? Below, we explore the five top reasons you should invest in education for your employees. 1.       It […]

We’re not sharing! Should your company consider non-competes?

A recent study from the Economic Policy Institute suggests that a staggering 60 million workers in the private sector have signed non-competes, raising the question of whether you should require one for your employees? Let’s start with the basics: A non-compete is a document you have workers sign when they join the company that basically […]

Pay Equity Lawsuits May Become More Commonplace Following Federal Decision

While we were all busy decking the halls ahead of the winter holidays, a federal appeals court was busy paving the way for more employees to sue their employers for pay biases. In the case in question, an employee sued Systemax, an industrial equipment and supplies company, alleging that despite receiving pay increases across her […]

Could Your Company Benefit From a 360-review System?

The typical employee review process entails a manager – or even the big boss – dishing out a rating for employees based on metrics important to their success in the role and in the broader company. However, for some folks, their higher ups don’t always have the best insight on said employee’s on-the-job performance. Enter […]

8 Simple Ways to Save Energy in 2020

In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, we wanted to profile one initiative that could not only better your business, but also benefit the greater world. We’re talking about simple things you, as a small business owner, can do to save energy in your office. You’ll find that these tips not only help to save […]