Abel HR Blog

What Is Co-Employment?

If there’s one thing small business owners don’t need in their life, it’s another buzz word. But, alas, 2020 has rolled around and suddenly folks are talking about the concept of co-employment. Below, we outline what it is, how it can benefit your business, and what you’ll want to consider before you enter into this […]

Is Human Resources Having an Identity Crisis?

To make sense of the way that children grow and develop, theorist Erik Erikson identified a series of stages of psychosocial development. Stage 5, which generally occurs as children enter their teen years, refers to the identity versus role confusion stage, wherein these adolescents seek to understand who they are and thus “try on a […]

4 Ways to Ensure Your Company Culture Lives Up to the Hype

In the past year, we’ve talked a lot about the idea of having a company culture and how this culture can be used to not only create a happy existing company workforce, but also as a selling point to attract new hires and even customers. But if you took the time in 2019 to decide […]

Giving Back is the Gift that Gives Back to Your Business

In the run up to the holidays, we think a great deal about how we can help others less fortunate than ourselves and it organically leads to an uptick in participation in various charity initiatives – be it fundraising efforts, sponsoring a family for the holidays, or simply spending an afternoon volunteering. However, we know […]

Do You Have a Place for Employees in Crisis?

When we see a coworker upset, our first port of call is to check in with them, find out what’s going on, and see how we can help. But, realistically, as an employer, our ability to “fix” things is often limited. Enter Abel HR’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can provide access to short-term, confidential […]

The Direct Connection Between HR and the Bottom Line

Typically, when we think about the “money makers” for the company, we think about the folks in sales, the account management people who keep customers coming back for more, and even the marketing folks for positioning our products or services in the best possible light to the best possible audience. But does HR actually make […]

Are Boomerang Employees Ever a Good Idea?

It’s a tale as old as time. You have a great employee who employee leaves for an amazing new job opportunity and then shows up again weeks, months or even years later in response to an open job posting. Dubbed boomerang employees, these folks include previously hired employees who come back, perhaps because that amazing […]

Employee Growth, Opportunity Encouraged by Reskilling

Sometimes the right person for the job is right under your nose. However, it’s the rare occasion when an individual has all the training and skills necessary for said job. In fact, just about every move, whether a promotion or lateral, will require at least some degree of training or upskilling. The benefits of hiring […]

Are you ready for new Equal Pay Mandates?

When the equal pay act was first ushered in 1963, it laid the ground-work for men and women to receive equal pay for equal work. Specifically, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that the bill “prohibits sex-based wage discrimination between men and women in the same establishment who perform jobs that require substantially equal […]

Should you opt for a PEO or a payroll company?

Joe Frazier versus Muhammad Ali, Boston Red Sox versus New York Yankees. Green Bay Packers versus Chicago Bears. PEO versus payroll companies. Well, turns out one of these things are not like the other and not just because they don’t involve sports teams and packed stadiums, but rather because there really isn’t any rivalry, per […]