Abel HR Blog

Do These 4 Things to Make Enrollment Easier

Following on from our previous post about the benefits of benefits shopping, we wanted to highlight the four most important things you can do now to make enrollment season run more smoothly.   But first, a quick note. While we realize that making these benefits decisions currently feels so far away that it’s easy to […]

5 Factors: How to Choose the Right PEO in 2020

Finding someone to entrust the “people part” of your business to is no small task. While there are so many pros associated with outsourcing your HR services to a PEO, there are plenty of opportunities for pitfalls if you don’t choose the right one. However, if you consider the below five factors, it can help […]

Does all This Stuff Need to be in the Employee Handbook

If you’ve been reading our blogs for a while, then you know we love a good ol’ fashioned employee handbook. Here at Abel, we have a whole team dedicated to crafting the perfect handbook for your company. A handbook that includes all the legally required information, but that is also perfectly personalized to reflect the […]

Harassment: Not Just a Buzzword, Its Liability

The continued momentum of the #metoo movement has made workplace harassment a buzzword not just thrown around by your surly HR rep, but one that we are all acutely aware of. However, the term shouldn’t be relegated to just a buzzword given the high legal stakes associated with running afoul of anti-harassment policies. According to […]

What is the Key to Employee Retention?

A staggering 3.5 million Americans quit their job EACH MONTH in 2008—marking the highest rate of turnover since the oh-so-fun recession of 2001, according to a recent report from the National Bureau of Labor Statistics. Further, analysts believe that the trend will continue as workers continue to grow weary with stagnant wages and the threat […]

Analyzing the Dreaded Task of Benefits Shopping

Each year, you get the notice that it’s time to select your benefits offerings for the year. And each year, you probably put it off until the last possible moment for a variety of reasons: It’s overwhelming, it’s boring, it’s not a priority, and the good ol’ “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” However, […]

FMLA: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?

As we’ve mentioned before, HR professionals love to use acronyms. One that you might hear getting tossed around a lot is “FMLA.” But what is it? Who can use it and under what circumstances? And how on earth do you go about applying for it? What is FMLA? FMLA stands for the Family and Medical […]

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution to HR?

Before we dive in to how the fourth industrial revolution is going to change the face of HR, let us first discuss what an industrial revolution represents, and how we are already up to the fourth iteration! Now, in general, a technological revolution refers to any significant change in “the material conditions of human existence […]

Is the Annual Review Going the Way of the Dodo?

In the last year, buzz has emerged suggesting that there is no place in business for the performance review. We’ve read the articles, we’ve reviewed the data, we’ve even chatted about it internally, and we’re on the fence, so we figured we’d present the facts and let you decide whether you can drop them from […]